How to customize and release docker images for your app

In daily work we may have used many kinds of docker images. For me I pretty like the jupyter images which are well maintained.

 $ docker run -p 8888:8888 jupyter/scipy-notebook

Here "jupyter/scipy-notebook" is the image name. How can I customize and release an image for my own app? I will show you the guide step by step.

First, we create a project dir whose name is "docker-proj". There are two important stuff in it.

App file is anything you just want to run in docker. For instance, mine in this case is a perl script. This script uses a module from CPAN, Gmail::Mailbox::Validate, which checks if the given username has a valid mailbox on gmail.

The demo code for this app are,

 use Gmail::Mailbox::Validate;
use strict;

my $username = shift || die "$0 username\n";
my $v = Gmail::Mailbox::Validate->new();
print $username,
$v->validate($username) ? " exists\n" : " not exists\n";

Save the code in script "", and run it you will see the output as follows.

 $ perl username

$ perl lisaleung
lisaleung exists

Put the script into dir "docker-proj". And, create Dockerfile in the same dir with the following content.

 FROM perl:5.34
RUN cpanm Gmail::Mailbox::Validate && mkdir -p /usr/src/app
COPY /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENTRYPOINT [ "perl", "./" ]

Some comments on above configuration,

In current dir where the subdir "docker-proj" is located, run the following command to build an image.

 $ docker build -t gmbox docker-proj/

Here "gmbox" is the image name, which you can check by this command.

 $ docker image ls
gmbox latest 38fca2257430 2 minutes ago 894MB

Now please go to creating an account. You will use this account ID to build the official image.

For instance, my account name is "geekml", then the official name for my image is "geekml/gmbox".

Let's tag the image we just made in local,

 $ docker tag gmbox geekml/gmbox:latest

Log into dockerhub in terminal,

 $ docker login

Input the account name and password you have created in to login.

The last step is to push the tagged image to dockerhub.

 $ docker push geekml/gmbox:latest
The push refers to repository []
b4c22e3253a2: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:9fdead1956eeb93735f8301cbd34440f9383969d9729336d0d29f567c027a41a size: 2212

So you can run this docker image from everywhere. For instance, in another host just pull the image,

 $ docker pull geekml/gmbox
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from geekml/gmbox
18f60cd0e987: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:9fdead1956eeb93735f8301cbd34440f9383969d9729336d0d29f567c027a41a
Status: Downloaded newer image for geekml/gmbox:latest

And run the image as a container,

 $ docker run geekml/gmbox johnlee
johnlee exists

Check the image you have pulled down,

 $ docker image list
geekml/gmbox latest 38fca2257430 17 minutes ago 894MB

All jobs done well now.